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朋科软件 深圳市朋科技术有限公司(简称:朋科软件/PENGK)专注于收银系统研发多年,为餐饮娱乐行业,零售专卖行业提供一体化收银管理系统解决方案。我们立足于为消费服务领域提供*优的IT系统与服务,公司始终以客户为中心,以需求为导向,持续创新,引领市场。朋科在全国有300多个销售与服务网点,近8万及终端使用客户,这些数据一直在持续增长中。朋科励志成为国内渠道合作伙伴,零售流通行业客户*欢迎和信赖的软件品牌。Shenzhen PENGK Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as: PENGK) focused on the cash register system for many years, for the food and beverage industry, retail monopoly industries to provide integrated cash register management system solutions. We are based on the field of consumer services to provide the best IT systems and services, the company has always been to the customer as the center, to demand as the guide, continuous innovation, leaterminal customers, these data has continued to grow in. PENGK of the family to become a partner of domestic channel partners, retail distribution industry customers the most popular and trusted software brands.目前我们产品已覆盖零售流通、餐饮娱乐行业、连锁专卖行业及会员一卡通等多个业态。




信息名称: 朋科软件
信息栏目: 企业简介 联系方式
单位电话: 0755-86578490
单位地址: 中国广东深圳市南山区
经营范围: 朋科一卡通会员管理软,
网页版本: 手机版 电脑版
本页链接: http://qiyexhdsa249.daopoo.com/